-- I understand and agree that Just Between Friends (JBF) is not responsible to reimburse me in the event of fire, loss, acts of God, theft, or damage to my sale items. I trust JBF will do its best to ensure the safety of my items, and I understand there is NO obligation to pay me for items that are not sold or returned to me at the conclusion of the sale.
-- I understand that I will receive 60% of the selling price for my items.
-- I acknowledge that I will be charged a pulled item fee of $0.50 per item if I have 6 or more pulled items (there is no fee if I have 5 or less items pulled).
--I have read and followed the sale guidelines/standards as laid out on the website and understand the sale owner has the final say in what is accepted into the sale. If unaccepted items are left at pick up, I understand that they will be donated or discarded at the discretion of the sale owner and will not be held for me.
-- I am the only person selling under this consignor number. I verify that I am not tagging for multiple consignors under one consignor number.
-- I have checked the Consumer Product Safety Commission website (CPSC.com) and to the best of my knowledge, I am not consigning any recalled items. If I DID have a recalled item, I either removed it from my inventory, or fixed it according to product specifications. If bringing a car seat, I have checked recall list for this item and will fill out a JBF car seat inspection checklist. If bringing a crib, I have checked recall list for this item and will fill out a JBF crib waiver.
-- I understand that any unsold items at the end of the sale that have been marked with “Donate” will be pulled to the charity donation area BEFORE pick up. They will NOT be sorted with my things, nor will I be able to reclaim them back once they are in the donation area. I also understand that all donated items will/may be sold at 75% off during sort.
-- I know when pick up is and I understand that it is my responsibility to come to pick up during the designated time, or send someone in my place and that ALL ITEMS NOT PICKED UP will be immediately donated to charity or discarded at the owners discretion. I understand that there will be NO exceptions made or items held for me after pickup ends.
-- I acknowledge the contagious nature of diseases including but not limited to Covid-19 and that there is an unknown risk of exposure through contact with contaminated objects and personal contact. By participating in JBF in any capacity I voluntarily assume the risk of possible exposure. I acknowledge that I have a responsibility not to participate in any capacity if myself or a household member are sick or running a fever. I agree to comply with all safety measures established by JBF and abide by state laws regarding Covid-19 restrictions. I hereby release and hold harmless JBF, JBF Franchisee, and their respective employees, officers and vendors from and against all claims of damages and liability resulting from any exposure.
-- I acknowledge that I will be paid 60% for my sold items with an echeck to the email registered on myjbftags.com, within 2 weeks of the sale ending, in the amount of my gross sales. Adjustments may be made for contests, specials, and fees incurred.
-- I acknowledge that there is a 90-day window to retrieve and deposit my eCheck. After that time, a $20 charge will apply to place a stop on the original payment and reissue.
-- I acknowledge JBF Eden Prairie will sell the items I am consigning for the price listed on the barcode/QR code tags I have created. I acknowledge that the price sold will be controlled by the printed tag attached to the item & not any subsequent changes online or handwritten changes on the printed tag.
-- By participating in any Event (in any capacity, including but not limited to as a shopper, seller, or employee), you agree, on behalf of yourself and any of your minor children attending with you, that your photograph, video, or other digital media (“Photos”) may be taken during your participation at the Event. You agree that you are not entitled to any compensation for the Photos, and you grant JBF all rights to the Photos, including without limitation the right to use the Photos, and any reproductions or adaptations of the Photos, for publicity or other media-related and promotional purposes. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use the Photos in JBF’s printed and online publicity, social media, press releases and other promotional applications. If you do not wish to be photographed please inform the photographer.
By registering to participate, I confirm that: (1) I have read & fully understand this Consignor Agreement & Liability Waiver, including the Representations & Warranties stated above; (2) I agree to and warrant as stated above; & (3) no one has made to me representations, statements, or inducements that change or modify anything written in this Consignor Agreement & Liability Waiver.